Community iRobot: Roomba 650 Sci - English - Community iRobot

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Roomba 650 Sci - English

#1 Utente offline   quazzie 

  • Gruppo: Users
  • Messaggi: 1
  • Iscritto il: 18-October 16

Inviato 18 October 2016 - 12:20 PM

Hi, sorry for english. Could only find this italian forum for irobot.

Hoping someone where has some info, no satisfactory answer from irobot customer support.

I have a roomba 650 and using the mini-din SCI port to communicate with it using an arduino.
All works fine when roomba is not connected to the dock.
I can wake up the roomba with BRC pin, send commands and read sensordata, no problem at all.

But when the roomba is returned to the dock it stays awake for a short time (~30 sec?) then goes into some kind of sleep-mode.
Now i can't talk to it, no data is coming through when i ask for sensor-data and such and no commands are accepted.
I can't wake it up with BRC-pin either.
When i pull BRC to low i get whats sounds like the wakeup sound but interrupted / crackling sound.
And trying to prevent it from sleep by pulsing BRC-pin every 10 or so seconds does not work.
Trying to prevent it from sleep with BRC pulled down all the time does not work either.

As i said, all works really fine when the roomba is not in the dock.
It also works fine the short time before roomba goes to sleep in the dock.

I only use PASSIVE-mode if that is of importance.

Any ideas ?

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